High Net Worth Individuals (HNWIs) as well as Ultra High Net Worth Individuals (UHNWIs) now have the opportunity to take advantage of the attractive financial advantages that can be found in Cyprus, by setting up local activities specifically suitable to their requirements.
The domain of “Family Offices” was until recently available only to the top level of the pyramid of UHNWIs. However, the advent of technology and virtualisation of systems has opened the door for spreading activities through globalised operations, thus enabling a more efficient and cost effective management. This means that the setting up of wealth management activities in Cyprus can be an efficient and effective proposition from an operational , financial and tax planning view for both High and Ultra High Net Worth Individuals.
We provide specialised “boutique” advisory services for HNWISs, UHNWIs and Family Offices on establishing their activities, managing operations, implementing information and investment management systems and other areas which are complementary to our mainstream business.